
06 OctContribute Towards a Comfortable Retirement

Super can be a great way to save for your retirement. But will you reach the lifestyle you want on employer contributions alone? Find out why… https://youtu.be/TK98LBpgUgs?list=PLnzFWfeXdm5SRq38wUJJPXTjvOd1QAB5l  

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10 SepWhat SME’s really need

People who run a small business will tell you they need three things – better cash flow, more time, and peace of mind. It’s no surprise to those of us who work with SMEs all the time. We know they don’t have time to do everything they need to do and that they worry most about the imbalance between incomings and outgoings. And rightly so. Dun & Bradstreet’s reports confirm what we all know already, that big business makes small business wait for their money. In some small business sectors they are paid on average 62 days past the due date. And if their business is growing, the issue can become critical. They end up providing increasing quantities of goods and services on credit, but struggle to be paid so they can settle their own bills. Access to finance is critical Your average small business is reluctant to go to […]

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